>How to Defrag a NAS

Defrag can seriously improve the performance of any device using a hard drive or SSD. If you are running a NAS (Network-Attached-Storage) then after a few weeks (even days) of use it can become clogged up, slow, and bad performing – the more worrying thing that may be affecting your performance rather than the NAS is your computers own performance, if you are downloading files and copying them from and between the NAS drive your computer will become fragmented and impact the performance more than a NAS ever would, there are many defrag tools available but we recommend O&O Defrag (we’ve tested over 100 defrag tools) simply because its benefits are some of the best and improve performance all round.

Speeding up your NAS and Computer

First we need to ensure your computer is optimized to do this we use O&O Defrag Professional this is the ultimate performance tool and has patented methods to defrag your computer better than any competitors, you can grab it at a discounted 25% price off by clicking here.

Once you have installed O&O Defrag Professional you are ready to rock and roll, simply click the quick start button to start the optimization of your hard disks this will improve the general performance of your system from copying files, starting up programs, the system boot speed everything in general should be a lot faster and the computer will feel like new again – best of all with O&O Defrag it will maintain this performance boost constantly by running in the background and optimizing your computer and disks when you’re not using it, this means your computer will always stay responsive, fast, and stable.

Now your computer is optimized – let’s optimize your NAS.

If your NAS is running Windows the easiest way to do this is to download and install O&O Defrag on the system, it will optimize and defrag it consistently over time. If it’s not a windows NAS and just a smaller generic one then the only way you can defrag it is to take out of its casing and plug it into an external hard drive reader – then run O&O Defrag Professional on it.

The best way to improve performance is to actually just run O&O Defrag Professional on your own computer because that has constant usage by Windows and various software and documents by running O&O Defrag it will ensure your computer is optimized constantly over time.

How2Defrag has compared hundreds of defrag software and O&O Defrag came out on best, some of the benefits of using O&O Defrag Professional are;

  • 100% Performance Increase on some machines!
  • Prevents build-up of fragmentation by running in background.
  • Internet Browsing is faster, document opening is faster.
  • System start up sometimes up to 15x faster than before.
  • Supports USB & Memory Cards
  • Suitable for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

We’ve partnered with O&O Defrag and asked them to give our users a discount on O&O Defrag Professional – to claim this discount and get O&O Defrag today click here.

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